Monday, May 16, 2011

Jokes from Osho books

It was after the last war and a journalist was interviewing the Reverend Mother of a convent in Europe.
'Tell me,' said the journalist, 'what happened to you and your nuns during those terrible years? How did you survive?'

'Well, first of all,' said the Reverend Mother, 'the Germans invaded our country, seized the convent, raped all the nuns -- except sister Anastasia -- took our food and left. Then came the Russians. Again they seized the convent, raped all the nuns -- except Sister Anastasia -- took our food and left. Then again the Russians were driven out and the Germans came back again, seized the convent, raped all the nuns --except Sister Anastasia -- took our food and left.'
The journalist made the required sympathetic noises, but was curious about Sister Anastasia. 'Who is this Sister Anastasia?' he asked. 'Why did she escape these terrible happenings?'
'Ah, well,' replied the Reverend Mother, 'Sister Anastasia does not like that kind of thing.'


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